Tag mapping

Tag mapping

Configuration of tags 

Wintell portal provides to an advanced user to configure its equipment. Configurable areas in the portal can be stated into the Config console. 

Note: ADMIN users are not allowed to change the Key Tag Name only the tags from the historian.

To Configure an equipment:  

  1. Click Config in tab (Sites/Assets).


  1. Configure tags presented in the Site’s presentation page:

    "tags": {

         "MonthlyProduction": "TagName",

         "DailyProduction": "TagNamexx"



    MonthlyProduction and DailyProduction are the key names for the tags, in the portal Sites page it shows Total monthly prod (kWh) and Total daily prod (kWh) at the table.

  2. Configure tags to be shown in Trends and presentation table, for the Assets:

    "tags": {

         "gridPower": "lake/Maintenance Partners/Account/Park/Asset/TagName",

         "nacelleDirection": "TagNamexxx",

         "windDirection": "TagName",

         "windSpeed": "Calculated Tagxxx",


    If the tag comes from the Lake, the tree path should be written such as the example below:

    lake/Maintenance Partners/Account/Park/Asset/TagName

  3. Configure tags for reports:

    "reportTags": {

          "availability": "TagNameYYY",

         "monthlyProduction": "TagNamex",

         "technicalAvailability": "TagNameZ",


  4. Configure park location: 

"location": {

     "googleMapURL": "https://www.google.com/maps/XXX",

     "latitude": 88,

     "longitude": 3


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