Create new User

Create new User

To create new user:  

  1. Click ADMIN in main menu.

  2. Click Users.  

  3. Click + Create button.

  4. Put OpenId Identifier. Usually the identifier is the e-mail. Example: XX@maintenancepartners.com or XX@pepite.be 

  5. Select Role , options: None, Privileged and Admin.

    NoneUser is limited to its own equipment, defined in the Senergy CMMS. Access available: working order/ request, Senergy - only its own equipment. The access to work with DATAmaestro Analytics is studied case by case.
    PrivilegedUser has access to all services proposed by Wintell but cannot create PEPITe's users.
    AdminTotal access to all options of site's management.

  6. Checkbox Access All. Although the equipment's structure is defined by the CMMS (Senergy) only Wintell gives access of an equipment. If Access All checkbox is checked Wintell authorizes the user access to all equipment, independently of the user's type of role. 

  7. Click Save


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