


Login via credentials admin/admin and change the admin password in User Administration (cf. User Administration ).

SSL Certificates

In order to remove the warning from the browser you need the following items:

  • certificate for the fully qualified domain name

  • private key for this fully qualified domain name

  • the intermediate certificates

Concatenate the intermediaire certificates, the certificates and the private key into a single file.

cat intermediate.pem cert.pem private.pem > bundle.pem mv bundle.pem /home/datamaestro-server/.PEPITe/DATAmaestro/

Edit the datamaestro config file by adding the certificate field and the path to the certificates bundle as value.

e.g. /home/datamaestro-server/.PEPITe/DATAmaestro/config :

{ "publicHost": "my.fqdn.com", "securePort": 4443, "publicSecurePort": 443, "certificate": "./bundle.pem" }

You need to restart the server for the new certificate to take effect : sudo systemctl restart datamaestro

SMTP server

By default, DATAmaestro use the Google SMTP server to send mail alert.

You can configure your own SMTP server as follow:

Create a security directory inside your PEPITe home directory:

e.g. mkdir /data/PEPITe/security

Inside the security directory, create the servicesmtp.json file.

This file is composed of the following fields :

server: smtp server name or ip

port: server port, default is 587

from: the default e-mail address to use for the mail origin. In Lake, when you send an e-mail, you can specify the from address; if you don't, the default will be used.

user and password: credentials for logging onto the smtp server.

useTls: authorizes use of tls during connection. Default is true.

e.g. :

{ "server":"smtp.mydomain.com", "password":"mypass42", "user":"watchdog@mydomain.com", "from":"watchdog@mydomain.com", "port":587, "useTls": true }

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