To show trends:
Click at the name of the Wind Turbine.
Click at Trends Analysis tab.
Select From using the Calendar, set date followed by hour and minutes. For each time step the window changes proposing new choices. Example: Date is selected then a new window appears showing a list of different hours and further on, different minutes.
Select To using the Calendar.set date followed by hour and minutes. For each time step the window changes proposing new choices. Example: Date is selected then a new window appears showing a list of different hours and further on, different minutes.
Choose Method options: Snap, Average, Minimum, Maximum and Interpolation.
Select Tag from a list. The tags presented in the selection list are those which were previously defined in the configuration (Config) tab. A description on how to make a tag mapping, relate an “alias” to a tag, is presented in Configuration chapter.
Select the left- or right- y axis using Add Left or Add Right, respectively.
Click Refresh button, to update the curve.
Click Left and Right arrows to walk through the Time axis.