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Fill missing values creates a variable or set of variables filling the missing values with a value designated by the strategy adopted. Missing values can be replaced by a default value, an average value, previous or next values and interpolation. It can be used for numeric and symbolic variables.
- Click Transform > Fill missing values in the menu.
Enter a name for the new variable set.
Info title Variable set Note that Filling Missing Values creates a Variable set, containing several new variables. Therefore, to check your Filled Missing variables you can go to the third icon on the left bar.
- Enter the variable name, default prefix: CLEAN_
- Choose the Method.
- Enter a Value, in case, Default Type enter a Default Value.
- Select Record set.
- Enter the variables or the set of variables.
- Enter a Index variable to define the order of rows (records). e.g. Select timestamp if the rows are not in chronological order. The ordering is important for some fill methods: i.e. interpolation, previous and next.
- Click Save.
The types used:
- Average: the arithmetic mean of the original variable.
- Default value: the value designated in the Default value field.
- Interpolation: the linear interpolation between the value of the previous record and the value of the next record.
- Previous: the value of the previous record.
- Next: the value of the next record.